
Sustainability Report 2023

All activities of the BÜFA Group for next generations

In 2023, the BÜFA Group continued to drive forward sustainable projects and initiatives throughout Europe. With targeted measures to reduce CO₂ emissions, BÜFA is consistently pursuing the goal of climate neutrality, which the Group is getting one step closer to every year. We offset remaining emissions through certified projects. BÜFA is also successively expanding its portfolio with innovative, sustainable products and solutions. Innovative start-ups, with which BÜFA works closely, also provide important impetus. "Sustainability is and will remain the defining issue when it comes to the future of humanity, despite the economically challenging times. We will only be successful as a company if we can serve the changing markets with sustainable products and services in the future," summarizes Felix Thalmann, CEO BÜFA Group.

BÜFA focuses on all three pillars of sustainability, because sustainable development for current and future generations can only be achieved if we harmonize economic, ecological and social aspects.

All activities for social, ecological and economic sustainability can now be found in our Sustainability Report 2023: